Assisted Living Facilities

Jefferson Reaves House

1/5.00 - based on 1 reviews
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1/5.00 Published 3 years ago

"Distressed Over Inhumane Treatment at Unbelievable Place"

It's truly devastating how they treat people here! If you want to know more, reach out to me. I can hardly express the misery from this place, it's absurd!

Jefferson Reaves House

Established in 1987, Jefferson Reaves House is a structured, comprehensive residential substance abuse treatment program for women, pregnant women and women with children up to the age of five. Special emphasis is placed on the prevention of births of substance exposed newborns.

Many women being treated at the facility have a history of chronic substance abuse and have not been responsive to prior attempts to arrest their problem.

Evidence based services provided include Individual, Group and Family therapy, substance abuse education, relapse identification and prevention, parenting skills, trauma recognition and treatment, conflict resolution and harm reduction, smoking cessation, nutritional assessments, health and wellness didactic groups with a special emphasis on women's health issues and medication management.

Additionally the women are exposed to a recognition of spirituality, music appreciation, art expression and gardening.

A fully qualified clinical staff, trained to the graduate level, provide counseling with support from Milieu Counselors. A psychiatrist along with an LPN assess and address the psychiatric and medical needs of the clients.

2985 NW 54th Street
Miami, FL - 33142



(305) 637-6498

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